Need picture of WM and details below
During the Year :
We raised £1047.17. We donated £923
We loaned £1000
Our Social Events were : Burns night, ladies festival, Sunday Lunch & Social Night ???.
Masters Charities : £??? donated as follows :
We donated £823 to the following worthy causes :
- £135 – Woodspring Lodge widows
- £50 – To Mrs Duck (widow)
- £15 – To Mrs Williams
- £100 – unknown
- £23 – flowers
- £500 -Provincial Grand Lodge
We also donated £100 to :
- £100 – Somerset Provincial Grand Charity (in Memory of Bro Lee) .
We made a loan of £1000 (in the form of a Bond) to the Lodge of Agriculture.
Garry Mackenzie.
Garry was initiated into Woodspring Lodge on ? date? , passed in ?date ? and raised on ?date?
He was installed as Master on 15th October 1995 and again on 10th October 1997
Provincial Honours :
- 2001 : Provincial Grand Sword Bearer (PrGSwdB) – Active Post
- 2012 – Past Provincial Grand Registrar (PPrGReg).