Need picture of WM and some details below
During the Year :
We raised £3333.56. We donated £3919
Our Social Events were : Burns night (January meeting), Horse Racing Night (February – raising £938), ladies festival, Sunday Lunch & ???.
Masters Charities : £??? donated as follows :
Alms and Raffle proceeds form the January meeting were donated to the Tsunami relief fund (Indonesia, 26-Dec 2004).
We donated £625 to the following worthy causes :
- £275 – Woodspring Lodge widows
- £50 – North Somerset Masonic Widows association
- £100 – Axe County District Scouts
- £100 – Yatton football club
- £100 – Avon Scouts Euro Jamboree in Essex
We also donated £3394 to various Somerset PGL Funds :
- £2000 – Somerset Provincial Grand Lodge – 2007 Festival (Acorns)
- £350 – Somerset Provincial Grand Lodge
- £544 – Somerset PLG Benevolent Fund – Indonesia Tsunami Appeal
- £500 – PGL Children’s Hospice “Babe Appeal” fund
Other Events
- Woodspring Lodge was awarded a 3rd Acorn at the April 2005 meeting.
Lindsay Wilkins.
Lindsay was initiated into Woodspring Lodge on ? date? , passed in ?date ? and raised on ?date?
He was installed as Master on 12th October 2005 and again on 10th October 2014
Provincial Honours :
- 2010 – Past Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies. (PPrAGDC)
Lindsay passed to the Grand Lodge above in ?? date??.
Information obtained from Advisory Minutes
- December 2004 : £50 to N.Somerset Widows Association, £275 to Woodspring Widows.
- January 2005 : Grand Lodge donated £100, 000 to the Tsunami fund. Woodspring donated an additional £?? as the proceeds from the January Raffe and Alms.
- February 2005 : Horse Race Night raised £938
- March 2005 : Sufficient monies have been transferred to 2007 Festival Fund to be presented at the April meeting. £500 to Childrens Hospice, £100 to Yatton Junior Football club.
- May 2005 : £500 to Provincial Lodge “Babe” appeal. Ladies festival raised £976.85. £100 to Avon Scouts Euro Jamboree in Essex