During the Year :
We raised £ ???. We donated £????
Our Social Events were : Burns night, ladies festival (Cheltenham Chase Hotel), Sunday Lunch & ???.
Masters Charities : £2700 donated as follows :
- £1350 – Rheumatoid Arthritis
- £1350 : Motor Neuron South West
We donated £ ??? to the following worthy causes :
- £ – Woodspring Lodge widows
- £ – North Somerset Masonic Widows association
We also donated £??? to various Somerset PGL Funds :
- £ – Somerset Provincial Grand Lodge – 2020 Festival (Ashler)
2020 Festival : £??? donated to date
Receiving the 4th Ashler (donated £??? to 2020 Festival) from the Somerset Provincial Grand Master
Masters Charities : £2700 donated as follows :
£1350 : Rheumatoid Arthritis Arnie handing over the cheque to ??? of £1350 at the Quiz Night 1st April 2017.
£1350 : Motor Neuron South West
Arnie Webber.
Arnie joined masonry when he was initiated into ?name? Lodge in ??year??, passed in ??year? and raised in ??year?? .
He was installed as Master of Woodspring on 10th October 2014.
In ??year?? he became master of The Shadwell Clerke Lodge No 1910, who hold their meetings in London.
Provincial Honours :
- 2021 – Provincial Grand Standard Bearer. (PrGStdB) – An active post.